• Seasoned dealmaker in licencing & M&A
• Former MedTech CEO
• Strategic/operational biotech consultant
Eric Rambeaux offers 30 years of experience in the healthcare industry. He holds a doctorate in pharmacy from the University of Paris, France, and a master degree in management and marketing from ESSEC Business School.
Along is industry life, Eric has been leading commercial development efforts for numerous products in various therapeutic areas and was directly involved in about 20 M&A and licensing projects on either the in or out licensing side.
After having moved to the consulting space, Eric have lead more than 50 operational and strategic projects with clients from pharma, biotech and medtech. Lately, Eric has been serving as medtech CEO in France.
Eric is International trade & business visiting professor in La Sorbonne Nouvelle in Paris and invited lecturer in various universities and business schools.

• Immunology MD PhD
• >20 years drug discovery
• Five patents and 28 publications
Dr Japar Shamshiev is an immunology scientist with a medical background. He has over 20 years of experience in fundamental immunology and drug discovery, covering a range of therapeutic areas, including oncology and inflammatory diseases.
In his role as VP of Research at Delenex Therapeutics AG, Japar implemented disruptive approaches to accelerate antibody discovery procedures and developed antibodies of different formats, including single-chain variable fragments and bispecific antibodies. His team discovered six antibody-based drug candidates and transitioned from discovery through the preclinical phases.
Before joining IOME Bio, Japar led the R&D team at Cell Medica Switzerland AG to refine the antibody platform for developing three cancer-targeting cell therapy products, with one of them reaching investigational new drug (IND)-enabling studies.
Japar holds five patents and is a co-author of 28 scientific peer-reviewed publications. He received his PhD/MD from the Moscow National Research Medical University.

• >20 years internationnal experience
• Created multiple biotech startups
• Secured substantial financing rounds
Zaki has more than 20 years of experience and leadership in cancer/immunology drug discovery, translational medicine and clinical development.
Zaki is an entrepreneur involved in the creation of a few start-up oncology and immunology. He is also a Board and Strategy Advisor for several Start-up, Tech Transfer Accelerators and Pharma across Europe.
Zaki holds a Master of Science degree in Biotechnology Engineering from the National School of Biotechnology in Bordeaux, France, and a Master of Business Administration from the Institute of Business Administration from Poitiers, France.
He is also in the late stage of a part time PhD in Strategic Management (supervised by Prof Brian Smith, Hertfordshire Business School, United Kingdom) in the understanding and conceptualization of “Deal structuration between within the R&D context of Biopharma”. He is a native French speaker, fluent in English & Spanish, and Intermediate in German and Arabic.

Samson FUNG
• Created multiple biotech MD, oncology & haematology
• Led programs in multiple large Pharmas
• Specialises in translating science to clinic.
Samson is Managing Director of Fung Consulting and has successfully lead Volvox Therapeutics GmbH and Susavox Biotechnologies Inc. as founder & CEO and CFO until their resolution.
Samson is an experienced pharmaceutical executive with significant expertise in clinical development, stategic marketing and business development. Experience includes early-stage activities to drug development, in-licencing and late-stage marketing of global brands. Market access with particular emphasis in the UE markets and Orphan Drugs has become an important cornerstone of his consulting expertise.
Samson has graduated at the University of Freiburg, Germany and obtained his board certification in internal medecine with subspecialisation in oncolgy and haematology. He spent almost 15 years in various functions in the pharmaceutical and biotech industry peers such as Roche, Novartis, Pharmacia/Pfitzer, Novo Nordisk and AstraZeneca. Successful biotechs like Micromet, recently acquired by AMGEN, accomplish his experience in the field.
Chief Scientific Officer and General Partner at Quark Venture Inc.
Prior to Quark, Dr. Avnur was the Global Head of Academic Innovation, Roche Partnering 2007 – 2016.
She was responsible for creating relationships with the world’s leading academic institutions and world class innovators, gaining Roche early access to innovation. She has created eleven startup companies.
Dr. Avnur was named Global Head of Neglected Diseases Roche Partnering 2010-2012. Preceding her academic innovation leadership role, Dr. Avnur assumed responsibility for scientific evaluations of partnering opportunities and started the “Finder” group for Biomarkers for all therapeutic areas at Roche. Prior to her partnering roles, Dr. Avnur worked in pharmaceuticals and diagnostics research and development for nearly 20 years. She held number positions progressing from scientist and manager to global responsibilities. In this role, she was overseeing the advancement of compounds from the bench into the clinic, and was involved in the design and execution of early clinical studies that characterize the pharmacodynamics and clinical effects of a number of compounds. In her management roles, Dr. Avnur ran groups of up to 44 scientists. Dr. Avnur was named Distinguished Scientist, the highest scientific appointment at Roche. Major scientific achievements include advancing three compounds (a PTHrP analog and two vitamin D analogs, for the treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis) from early exploratory discovery research to the clinic.
Dr. Kaley Wilson is currently a Principal and the Director of Business Development at Quark Venture, a Vancouver based venture capital group that invests globally in health science.
From March 2020 until June 2022, Dr. Wilson was also the interim CEO of Sitka, a biotherapeutics company with a breakthrough nanoparticle platform technology to deliver compounds to difficult to penetrate tissues. From January 2018 until September 2019, Dr. Wilson was the interim CEO of ARTMS Products Inc. a global leader in the development of disruptive medical isotope production technologies. Prior to joining Quark Venture in 2016, Dr. Wilson was the Associate Director, Partnerships, at the Centre for Drug Research and Development.
Dr. Wilson is also an Advisor and Mentor for Ontario Bioscience’s Capital Access Advisory Program (CAPP), a member of GlycoNet’s Commercialization Committee, Nanomedicines Innovation Network’s (NMIN) Research Management Committee, a Director on the Board of Sitka, Canary Medical, Microbion, IOME and Crohn’s and Colitis Canada where she Chairs the Research Committee. Dr. Wilson is also an Observer on the Boards of ARTMS, Oculogica and Alpha-9.
Dr. Wilson obtained her PhD in Dr. Pieter Cullis’ laboratory at the University of British Columbia (UBC), Canada, in 2007.
Dr Nora Frey is Venture Partner at Seventure Partners
Dr Frey brings more than 20 years of professional experience in healthcare research, investment, management, strategy and business development.
She co-founded several companies and was a board member and chairman of companies in different fields including biotech, nutraceuticals/food production and finance/investment.
Dr Frey started her career in 1998 as partner at Bellevue Group, Switzerland, as part of the BB Biotech team, one of the largest investors in the public and private biotech sector. Nora then founded Adamant Biomedical Investments AG, a successful healthcare asset management boutique. As CIO, Nora headed research and portfolio management.
In 2008, Dr Frey co-founded Cederberg GmbH, a healthcare marketing and distribution business. Nora was also centrally involved in the building of a food and nutraceuticals developer and producer in Africa.
Dr Frey also is a Director on the Board of Citryll, TargEDys, The Akkermansia Company, Axial Therapeutics, Dermala, and is an Observer on the Board of Siolta Therapeutics.
She holds a PhD in Biochemistry/Immunology and a Master Degree in Microbiology from University of Basel, Switzerland.

Established in 2016, Quark Venture LP is a venture capital investment firm, headquartered in Vancouver, Canada, and is focused on equity financing of innovative biotechnology and health sciences companies with breakthrough technology platforms and projects.
At Seventure Partners, we turn innovation into entrepreneurial ventures through financial backing and by sharing the passion of the companies we invest in. Established in 1997, Seventure Partners is one of the European leaders in venture capital, with €850 million net commitments under management as of the end of 2020. We actively fund innovative companies within the two evolving fields of Digital technologies and Life sciences, partnering with those that have strong growth potential.

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